Saturday, September 6, 2008

I am in Ingore... almost.

Hello and greetings from Bissau. I have had some time to get to know my surroundings a bit and I am happy to report that all is well. It is still hot and humid out here to make for a sweaty time, but there is not much you can do about that when you are so close to the equator.

I have toured around Bissau and I have seen all the main areas. It is a fantastic place. Besides walking, which is the main form of transportation around here, taxi’s and “tookie-tookies”. Now in case your wondering what the later of the few could be I will explain. “Tookie-Tookie” is Kiriole for “Touch-Touch”. They are just van like transportation that you cram into and happen to bump others around you, making the name quite appropriate.

If you are interested enough to look at the pictures (which are not available to you yet due to slow internet connections in the area) you will find some of the activities that I have taken part in such as, touring the city, looking at spiders outside my room, washing my clothes and wearing new clothes made by the lovely locals.

Today I get to do something quite exciting. I travel to Ingore, the “city” I will be staying in. I am not quite sure what it will be like but when I talked to Titus the other day (who by the way seems pretty rad) it seemed like a splendid time. Apparently he wants me to play sports and hang out with the young people. And get this, their favorite sports are volleyball and soccer. Now soccer was a given, but volleyball? The odds can not be too big on that one. (for those who do not know, I play lots of volleyball.)

I probably will get off another report in a little less than two weeks. Apparently there is some sort of convention or conference or whatever that we all have to attend and it will be near the internet café. Haza. Well, I am off again. Later all.

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